速報APP / 教育 / Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Mukah Sarawak, KM 7.5, Jalan OYA, 96400, Mukah, Sarawak

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖1)-速報App

"This apps is intended to offer the students with a clear and precise understanding the basic of water supply and waste engineering easily. The content of each chapter are divide into a few sections with related topics according to the real situation. We hope this apps will prove valuable for students and it as part of their reference to help them in basic of Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering. "

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖2)-速報App

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖3)-速報App

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖4)-速報App

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖5)-速報App

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖6)-速報App

Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering Note Apps(圖7)-速報App